Where to sleep in Bucerias?
In Bucerías you can find different options to sleep, whether for short or long stays.
Hotels, hostels, Airbnb, Co-Living houses… Here we present the most important to help you in your visit, either as a tourist or to come to live for a while (or to invest) in Bucerías.
Best options to sleep in Bucerías, Mexico
Take advantage of your visit and discover new places to eat, rest, enjoy all the magic and charm of this town.
Do you know about this concept of co-living? For those who still do not know it, a co-living is a space where spaces, work experiences, life experiences, creativity, fun and a community is created among those who inhabit it.
This is what it offers Casa México24, a co-living with equipped departments with everything you need to be able to live comfortably, work and enjoy all that Bucerias and the Bay has to offer.
Airbnb in town
A platform known to most and trusted in its use is Airbnb. You can find different types of accommodation, at different prices and with different amenities.
Hotels in Bucerias
The hotel offer, specifically in Bucerías, is not as extensive as other places in the Bay (for example Nuevo Nayarit (former Nuevo Vallarta) or Puerto Vallarta itself), but it has the necessary to cover the demand, needs and expectations of who visit them.
Some of the main and best known of the town of Bucerías are:
Los Picos Hotel & Suites
Undoubtedly the hotel with more tradition and history. It has a family atmosphere and different services throughout the year, such as a pool, bar, parking, among others.
It is located north of the town (about 2 km from the center of Bucerías), next to the beach.
Royal Decameron Bucerias
Another of the most recognized hotels in the town of Bucerías.
The Royal Decameron is characterized by being next to the beach, offering excellent services all year round, having swimming pools, a bar, shows, nightclubs, tennis courts, activities for children, etc.
A great variety and in an unbeatable location. Another great alternative to visit us.
Other hotels you can find in Bucerias:
- Hotel Suites Nadia
- Suites Atlas
- Suites Costa Dorada
- Vista Vallarta
All prepared to receive those who visit us and have the best and most unforgettable experience possible.
Bungalows in Bucerias
Another option, much sought after by those who visit Bucerias, are the bungalows. Being close to the beach, they are a very good option to be close to the best of the Bay. The most outstanding and traditional in the area are:
- Unelma Bungalows
- Bungalows Paraíso
- Bungalows Arroyo
- Suite Princess
The most famous of the town is the Hostal Bucerias (what better name isn't there?). This hostel has a tradition of good service and cordiality of its workers.
It has everything you need to have a comfortable stay and at an affordable price for all budgets. Another great option.